Greeting Super Light Spreaders,
Your Center will be having our weekly meeting on *Zoom Only,* Sunday, Jan 09 22. Message: “The Thing Itself” Back to, Science of Mind basics with Dr Rev John Waterhouse. CSL Asheville Time: 10 AM, or 9:30 AM to connect
*ZOOM LINK: go to our website, HOME on top of page, LOCATION , and scroll down and click on the ZOOM link.* Call Kathy if you have any questions: *252 312 7322*
From “The Science of Mind” Book “The Divine Plan is one of Freedom; bondage is not God-ordained. Freedom is the birthright of every living soul. All instinctively feel this. The Truth points to freedom, under the Law. Thus the inherent nature of man is forever seeking to express itself in terms of freedom.”
Looking forward to being together on ZOOM, Sunday. Knowing we are all safe, warm and loved. Blessings & Love, Kathy McConnin 252 312 7322
Your Center will be having our weekly meeting on *Zoom Only,* Sunday, Jan 09 22. Message: “The Thing Itself” Back to, Science of Mind basics with Dr Rev John Waterhouse. CSL Asheville Time: 10 AM, or 9:30 AM to connect
*ZOOM LINK: go to our website, HOME on top of page, LOCATION , and scroll down and click on the ZOOM link.* Call Kathy if you have any questions: *252 312 7322*
From “The Science of Mind” Book “The Divine Plan is one of Freedom; bondage is not God-ordained. Freedom is the birthright of every living soul. All instinctively feel this. The Truth points to freedom, under the Law. Thus the inherent nature of man is forever seeking to express itself in terms of freedom.”
Looking forward to being together on ZOOM, Sunday. Knowing we are all safe, warm and loved. Blessings & Love, Kathy McConnin 252 312 7322