[SOM Cville] Zoom only / Center for Spiritual Living meeting/ Sunday Oct 27 24

Greeting Super Light Spreaders,
This Sunday, 10/27/24 we will be meeting on Zoom Only. TIME: 10AM, 9:30 AM to connect with friends MESSAGE: “THE EXPANSION POINT’ Rev Erin McCabe Unity Village
Rev Erin reminds us that we are brave to be here for the practice. We could, instead, succumb to any of life’s myriad distractions. She calls us to be in mindful meditation–hang out in the silence. There the brain rewires. We may see a mess in the collective consciousness and we certainly want NOT to see it!
Rev Erin McCabe is one of the 8 New Thought: Next Generation leaders, from the Guide for Spiritual Living Magazine. Join us Sunday and listen to her meditation and message.

ZOOM LINK: go to our website cslcville.org, HOME on top of page,LOCATION, and scroll down and click on the ZOOM link. cslcville.org/location

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 896 0420 7221
Passcode: somcville
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Meeting ID: 896 0420 7221
Passcode: 642812
Find your local number: <meet.meetup.com/ls/click?upn=SDNnya-2FgLI6CfUa8do8Zd0ZFOHTlWYIiBaetbwNlnDvyQaL0p4YvCtevZ1j-2B5nfHaGlY_vnlnkas8Xf0qb3ZYVB8JoQ7bexKT2kdZSvLnIhX4YBet0s3XrY7jWjN8U955j8XvP2hQwJxFW4FHfFpRckpDN98ueaokz0s…> us02web.zoom.us/u/kboLGwEYfP

Call Kathy if you have any questions:
252 312 7322

Open to all. We learn and grow from each other.
Blessings & Love
Kathy McConnin RScP
252 312 7322