[SOM Cville] Zoom Science of Mind Meeting, Sunday 4/5

Kathy wanted me to send this out so I could add the technical stuff.  See Zoom instructions after Kathy’s message below…
——– Forwarded Message ——–

From: Kathy McConnin
Greetings God Spirits,
I am excited to announce we will be having our entire group meeting on zoom this Sunday at 10 AM.  Our thanks to our own Paul Mckinley for putting this together.
Rev Robin Moore, from Richmond, will be our guest speaker. Her message is “The Choice”
This is the time to put into action, all the principle and values of our Science of Mind teachings.   Let us connect with the truth of who we are, and whose we are.  We come from Love. We are Love.  We come from peace.  We are peace.  We live our lives on principle, operating on faith and not fear. Remembering to feel the gratitude and not allowing ourselves to be caught up in what the appearances are, knowing all is always in Divine Order.
Looking forward to seeing everyone on Zoom.  Please spread the word.  This is an open zoom so it is a great time to share our teachings with so many, and to bring  peace into the hearts and homes.  What we do to help others always helps ourselves. We are all ONE.
Knowing only Peace, Health and Safety for each and every one. Love & Blessings, Kathy McConnin 252 312 7322 ——– End Forwarded Message ——–
Zoom meeting instructions:
You can use a Windows PC or Mac.  Or you can use your iOS, or android device – phone or tablet.  If you’re using a phone or tablet, it would be best to download the app from the app store beforehand.  I will start the Zoom meeting early – by 9:30AM Sunday – so that you can get on and get familiar with the platform.
I will be using a screenshare to show the program and play the audio/youtube.  After our program, I will leave the meeting up.  I can break people out into a “breakout room” if you want to spend some time visiting – either randomly or you can let me know who wants to be in a breakout room together.
The link to the meeting is (contact us for the meeting info)
If you’re unfamiliar with Zoom and want to “practice” with it, I can open the meeting for you sometime before then, just let me (Paul McKinley) know.
Also, if you don’t have a device with microphone, speakers, and video camera, you can just dial into the meeting at (contact us for phone number)