Sunday, January 6

Greetings God Spirits,

This Sunday, January 6 is our Science of Mind meeting. Please join us.
Time 10 AM
Place 937 Canvas Back Drive
Charlottesville, Va
Contact 252 312 7322

We will be discussing this article on Hardcore Metaphysics from the January Science of Mind magazine.

What do all founders and early teachers of the New Thought movement have in common? What is the common thread woven into the teaching of early writers in the New Thought community? I strongly believe it is what I call hardcore metaphysics.
Hardcore metaphysics is New Thought taught from its original position that humanity is God in expression and that we have the power to transform our experiences through thinking in alignment with the truth of our being.
Hardcore metaphysics begins with the premise that God is the One Presence and Power in the universe. In ultimate reality, everything is perfect, whole and complete. Hardcore metaphysics promotes the belief that humanity is a divine idea in the Mind of God. Through our conscious awareness, we can manifest the wholeness of God in our everyday existence.
New Thought adherents believe the universe is governed by universal law. The law is principle (God as the underlying cause in the universe) in action. Thoughts held in mind produce experiences consistent with the parenting thought; therefore, we create life, individually and collectively, thought by thought.


New Thought is a practical spirituality. At its core, New Thought focuses on our ability to demonstrate the principles we espouse. New Thought is not concerned with religious theories, philosophical arguments, and doctrinal traditions. This teaching only asks one question: “What can you demonstrate?”
We are always demonstrating because consciousness demonstrates itself; however, not everyone is creating desired demonstrations. If we want desired demonstrations, we must study the basics of New Thought and practice the principles that produced magnificent healing, prosperity, and breakthroughs, and assisted in creating the self-help and positive thinking movements around the world.
What we think about God matters. What we think about God unconsciously affects our worldview. How we see God and our relationship to God determine how we see life, what we believe, how we behave, our self-image, what we accept as true and what we deny as false. Even if you are an atheist or agnostic, those concepts will determine how life is perceived.
We all have our own concepts of God. In truth, there is only one God. However, in practice, we all have our own God, the God of our understanding.
Some people have a distant, judgmental and punishing God. Others have a racially divisive, sexist and homophobic God that divides people and promotes right and wrong based on race, nationality, gender identification, and sexual orientation.
God and religion have been used to oppress people for thousands of years. Some even have a God exclusive to their religion and believe God cannot be found outside their religion, savior, prophet, holy book, clergy, and tradition.
This concept of God is extremely exclusive and punitive. It promotes the belief that if you do not accept the salvation plan of a punishing God, you will suffer that punishment for eternity. In this worldview, people are more forgiving than God.
When religious zealots believe that they are on God’s side, which happens to be the side of their religion, they can be very violent, punitive and disrespectful to others who do not have the same religious belief system. Their belief is that they are fighting the enemies of God instead of disagreeing with other children of God.


New Thought dismisses all aforementioned concepts of God and focuses on the underlying spiritual principles found in religions, spiritual teachings, metaphysical philosophies, and psychology.
New Thought blends these ideas and teachings into a pragmatic or practical
a worldview that can be understood and practiced by the spiritual beginner or advanced practitioner.
Sometimes we try to make God fit into our limited worldview because we observe seeming inconsistencies in the world of experience. The seeming inconsistencies challenge our beliefs about God. Many times, the paradoxes of life do not seem as though they should be a part of life and theological discourse.
However, life is much bigger than our point of view. God is a paradox. There are still so many things we do not know about God, life and the universe.
Life is a mystery. Seemingly, there are aspects of life that should not go together, yet they do. God is still beyond any definition, but definitions help us get a handle on life for understanding.
Charles Fillmore wrote, “The starting point in spiritual realization is a right understanding of God.”
Although these paradoxes don’t make sense to the intellect of humanity, spiritual understanding reveals the meaning to you personally. Be mindful that your concept about God is not God. Your thoughts about your mother are not your mother. She transcends your thoughts about her and exists separate and apart from your concept. The same is true about God.
There is a paradox that God is both principle and personal. God as principle is the impersonal, fundamental truth that functions through universal law. However, God working through you as the Christ or
“I Am” is personal to you.
God as principle transcends illness, poverty, discord, and problems. Only God’s truth is real in the absolute.
God in you guides you through your so-called problems, heals your body, leads you to success, expresses as love, manifests as joy and provides for you when you align with the impersonal principle in mind. The impersonal becomes personal by being you and guiding you through life.

Looking forward to seeing you Sunday.