Think and Grow Rich

10 - week Study Course

Thursdays, 7:00 to 9:00PM.
Jan 30th - April 2nd, 2020.
937 Canvas Back Dr, Charlottesville, VA

A Study of Napoleon Hill’s Book
Think And Grow Rich

Presented by Jane McDonald

Experience the POWER of the Mastermind


Jane’s inspirational skills have been honed by her extensive theatre and music background. In addition to coaching and teaching, she is an inspiring speaker, and gifted singer and actor whose passion and wit keep everyone thoroughly engaged. Whether for a Lunch & Learn talk, a motivating keynote speech, or an afternoon workshop – any group, organization, or company will be ignited by and grateful for the powerful training that Jane provides.

  • Certified Life Mastery Institute Consultant

Thursdays, 7:00-9:00PM
Jan 30th – April 2nd, 2020

937 Canvas Back Dr, Charlottesville, VA

Tickets: (via PayPal)

$120 single payment
2 payments $75 each

Use this Paypal link to enroll using one-time payment of $120:

Use this Paypal link to enroll with the first of two $75 payments:

Use this Paypal link to pay the second of two $75 payments (due by March 5th, 2020):

Think And Grow Rich
Mastermind Class
Presented by Jane McDonald

The printable PDF flyer is available here.