10 week study course meeting weekly, from Thurs, Jan 30th through Thurs, April 2nd.
To the Charlottesville Science of Mind Community:
When you have heard the question, “Would you like more abundance in your life?”, have you thought, “No, I want less. I want a smaller income. I have too much love and joy in my life, so I want less of that, too.”? If so, this class is not for you. To everyone else, here is an opportunity to begin the New Year with a group of like minded souls with a deep dive study of the bedrock principles of living a truly abundant and successful life.
Kathy McConnin mentioned to me that she would like our SOM group to start the new year with an abundance program, and that in keeping with the abundance mindset, she would like it to be a fundraiser for the group as well.
She asked if I offered any such programs through my work with Mary Morrissey’s Life Mastery Institute that I would be willing to share. I said yes, it is a ten week master class, offered in the format of a mastermind group, of the iconic all time best-selling classic on prosperity by Napoleon Hill, “Think and Grow Rich.”
Who is Mary Morrissey? Co-Founder of the Association for Global New Thought with Dr. Michael Beckwith, she and he were also the first New Thought ministers to be appointed to the Executive Counsel of the Parliament of World Religions. Mary has spoken at the United Nations and has co-convened and led 3 different weeklong meetings with The Dalai Lama in conversations with world leaders to address the most significant issues our world faces. She has two best-selling books and has had her own PBS special. Mary has a BA in Education, an MA in Counseling Psychology, an honorary Doctorate in Humane Letters, and has been an ordained minister for more than 40 years.
I am a coach with Mary’s company, certified to teach several of her courses, including the
Dream Builder; Life Mastery; Standing Firm When Your World is Shaking; Working With the Law and Into Your Genius (both co-created with Bob Proctor); and the step by step look at “Think and Grow Rich”.
The Book:
Think and Grow Rich may still be the most important prosperity and success book ever written. Hill lays out a powerful group of success principles that apply to any area to which one wishes to apply it. He researched more than forty millionaires and highly successful people, including Henry Ford, Theodore Roosevelt, Wilbur Wright, George Eastman, John D. Rockefeller, Thomas Edison, F.W. Woolworth, Arthur Brisbane, Woodrow Wilson, and Alexander Graham Bell, to find out what made them the men that they were. In this book he imparts that knowledge to the reader. These principles are remarkably in keeping with those that Ernest Holmes presents in A Science of Mind!
The Author:
Napoleon Hill was born in 1883 in Wise County, Virginia. He began his writing career at age 13 as a “mountain reporter” for small town newspapers and went on to become America’s most beloved motivational author. His work stands as a monument to individual achievement and is the cornerstone of modern motivation. His most famous work, “Think and Grow Rich”, is one of the best-selling books of all time. Hill established the Foundation as a nonprofit educational institution whose mission is to perpetuate his philosophy of leadership, self-motivation, and individual achievement.
The Creator of the Study Guide:
Paul Martinelli: From high school dropout to award winning entrepreneur, Paul used to stutter and failed out of school. But none of that stopped him from achieving his dreams and building numerous multi-million dollar businesses. He has partnered with Bob Proctor, Mary Morrissey and John Maxwell. It was working with Bob Proctor that led him into a deep dive into Think and Grow Rich. He created this powerful 10 week class for other coaches to lead groups in the study and adoption of these principles into our lives. I feel fortunate that he was working with Mary during the first two years of my training. He is a true inspiration. Here is his website. Paulmartinelli.net
The Mastermind Group:
The purpose of the mastermind group, which is a key component in Hill’s success principles, is to provide a gathering of like-minded people with a structure that will help them learn how to focus on their goals by studying the information and material from this book.
The group establishes its own group Purpose, Vision, and Goals Statement, centered around the study material. Everyone has input into the statement. It may take as many as 4 weeks to develop it. Members support each other throughout the week by keeping in touch via email and/or phone calls. Members check in on each other to share successes or provide support if someone finds themselves facing a challenge or problem. All sharing stays in the group and is confidential. The more members use and rely upon each other, the stronger the group will be. It works best when everyone really uses each other for ideas and suggestions. The power of a well organized mastermind group cannot be overstated. The first group I led through this 10 week study decided to continue meeting weekly with each other – a practice they continued for about three years!
Beginning January 30th and ending April 2nd, we will meet each Thursday for 10 weeks from 7:00 to 9:00PM in Kathy’s home. An ideal number of people is 8 to 10.
It is important that we study the same version of the book. We will use Think and Grow
Rich!: The Original Version, By Napoleon Hill, Restored and Revised and Foreword by Ross
Cornwell, which can be purchased from me.
The investment is $120 in advance, or two payments each of $75. A couple of partial scholarships will be considered. This is a fundraiser for Science of Mind, so the proceeds will be split with the group. Sign up with me at Visionsong9@gmail.com or 434-989-5457. I look forward to taking this journey with a wonderful group of people who are ready to take their prosperity to a great new level of success!
Sincerely and With Great Expectations,
Jane McDonald