Dear God Spirits,
As convener of the Charlottesville Science of Mind group, I wanted to have an abundance class for the new year which would also be a fundraiser for our group. I am very excited that Jane McDonald has agreed to present a powerful 10 week mastermind class and deep dive study of the iconic all time best seller book on abundance, “*Think and Grow Rich.”*
This course was developed by motivational speaker and success coach, Paul Martinelli, and offered through the *Life Mastery Institute* by its certified coaches, of which Jane is one. The abundance mindset and success tools and principles presented in this class are remarkably in tune with the principles taught by Science of Mind founder Ernest Holmes.
So join us and kick off 2020 with a ten week life transforming experience to bring a powerful new level of abundance into your life, and into our entire Science of Mind Community.
It will begin Thursday, Jan 30th and meet from 7:00 to 9:00 once a week though April 2nd. See this post for more details on the course and how to sign up. Class size is limited so sign up soon!
Blessings and Love,